Welcome to the Sound of the Gospel Church

Romans 1:16 - “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth…“

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is where salvation is found. Jesus, the Son of God, lived a sinless life in perfect obedience to God the Father, died as the sacrificial substitute on the cross, and rose from the grave for the justification and eternal life of all who trust in Him. It’s our goal at Sound of the Gospel Church to sound forth this good news for all to hear. There’s redemption, assurance, freedom, and forgiveness in the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is where we find pardon and purpose. Come to Sound of the Gospel and join us as we center our lives upon Jesus.

Core Beliefs

We hold to these non-negotiable, Biblical truths:

1) The entire Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative, trustworthy, and true Word of God.

2) God is Triune - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three persons are of one substance and fully divine, making up the one, eternal, unified Godhead.

3) God is spirit and is infinite, eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, holy, and sovereign.

4) Jesus Christ is truly God and truly man. He is the Savior of sinners, the Word made flesh, and the King of everything.

5) The Holy Spirit is truly God, sent by the Father and the Son to regenerate and dwell in every born-again child of God.

6) By His powerful Word, God created the heavens and the earth from nothing in six literal days.

7) God created man and woman in His own image without sin, but due to Adam’s fall into sin, all are sinners by nature and choice.

8) God created man and woman to be fruitful and multiply as husband and wife. The only acceptable marriage in God’s eyes is between one man and one woman.

9) Sin is any rebellion in thought, word, or deed against God’s commandments whether knowingly committed or not.

10) Jesus Christ came to this earth to do for humanity what humanity could not do for themselves. He lived sinlessly and fulfilled the Law of God perfectly. Then He died as the substitute and perfect sacrifice for those He purchased with His own blood. Three days later, Jesus bodily rose from the grave to justify and grant eternal life to all who trust in Him for salvation.

11) Jesus is the only way of salvation. All who call upon Jesus for salvation are saved by God’s grace and through faith in Jesus, not by works, by deeds, or by trying really hard.

12) Jesus is returning to this earth one day to conquer and cleanse the earth and to consummate the new heavens and earth that will last for all eternity.

13) All believers should unite with other believers in a local church to worship our God, evangelize the lost, and disciple the saved.

Opportunities & Ministries

Our Youth Group

We offer several opportunities throughout the week for children and teenagers to learn the Scriptures. Each Sunday, there is Sunday School, Sunday morning children’s church for our youngest kids, and Sunday night teen and children’s classes. On the 1st and 3rd Friday evenings of each month during the school year, Gospel Girls and BRAVE Boys meet, giving our kids and teens more opportunities to form friendships and learn the Bible. Throughout the year, special youth activities are also scheduled, and in the summer months, Vacation Bible School is offered for several exciting nights of fun.

Men and Women’s Bible Studies

A couple of times a year, separate men and women’s Bible studies are offered throughout the week that give our adults the opportunity for further fellowship and spiritual growth. These times are meant to complement not replace the Sunday worship gatherings. Small group settings help us get to know one another better as we study the Scriptures together. These Bible studies, as well as our Sunday School classes each Sunday, are great ways to grow closer to God and to one another in the family of God.

Food Pantry

On the 4th Saturday of every month, our food pantry is open from 9:00am-11:00am for anyone in need of food. Just pull in next to the basement of the church and someone will be glad to help you. At any other time of the month, please call the church if there is an emergency need for food. Our food pantry mainly distributes canned goods, cereals, oatmeal, pasta, tuna, and peanut butter.

Upcoming events

  • New Year's Eve Fellowship

    Starts at 6pm & ends whenever the last person leaves.

    Pork & Sauerkraut (and other food)


    This is our midweek gathering for the week.

  • Men's Breakfast & Bible Study

    Saturday, January 25 at 8am

  • Ladies' Luncheon

    Saturday, February 1st from 11am-1pm

  • Children's Easter Celebration

    Saturday, April 12

    from 1pm-2:30pm.

    Ages 2-10

    Easter egg hunt &

    outdoor activities

  • VBS 2025

    Fri., June 6 - Sun., June 8

    6pm-8pm each night

    Theme: TBA

  • Annual Campmeeting/Revival Services

    Sun., July 13 - Wed., July 16

    Preachers and singers TBA.

    Calvary’s Love - singing Sunday evening, July 13th at 6pm.